...so I promptly downloaded several items and got cracking on this newfangled form of reading...the early verdict?...here are some observations...
....and what was the special gift of my youth?...that I never got?...

or"broadly speaking" Randy M. Ataide
....and what was the special gift of my youth?...that I never got?...
...I had missed every Thanksgiving in my four years in the service...but had made Christmas several times...and was looking forward to the close of 1979 since it meant that I had but 7 months until discharge and my civilian life could resume...with plans to attend either UCSB or Fresno State...wasn't really sure at the time which but had applied to both...but Iran interrupted my holiday plans...never got my $175 bucks back either...
....so it was dawn over the Gulf...and I leaned against the bulkhead amidships...and for just a moment each morning the desert heat would break and you could feel a touch of cool...and so I recall that I had positioned myself near a vent that was blowing warm air from somewhere deep within the bowels of the ship...and with my fatigue from the night my body ached for rest...the caffeine from the tea I had drank a few hours before long since passing from my system...
...no other ships were in sight...or at least from my vantage...the Midway was probably just over the horizon ten or more miles out...and it was then that a solo helicopter flew nearby...in some kind of exercise or training...and I hope those guys weren't as tired as I was....but I thought it kind of peculiar this stray helo and no flight ops had been called....well go figure...the guys up in CIC knew what was going on...
...and then across the 1MC...throughout the ship...the order was shouted out to prepare to receive a helicopter...which for us was not really to land a helo but rather to be able to exchange supplies or passengers...which I had done multiple times to visit other ships to repair equipment for them...dangling over the sea at 25 knots...oh the things when we are young...a shot of adrenaline hit my heart and I returned to the radio shack to see what was going on...and what idiot called for a transfer on Christmas morning...
...I discovered that what was occuring was bundles of mail...boxes stuffed in canvas bags...letters long overdue from parents, spouses and sweethearts...await us...and the chopper dropped a large cargo net of mail on our aft flight deck...and soon cleared the ship and sped away back to the Midway...
...and in an hour or so shouts were erupting around the ship...from men in their khaki shorts and skivies in various states of dress...most not shaven just yet...the rules being somewhat relaxed in the tropics and gulf back then....
...and a sack of mail was delivered to the shack and a box awaited me...from my girlfriend of four years...a young lady at Westmont named Ruth...
...as far as trees go it was not much...a small plastic tree with some simple ornaments...and a "Care Package" to boot....and me and my buddies set it up atop a small table near the desk...and it cheered our hearts as we read letters, enjoyed some cookies and pretended even for a few moments that all was good in the world...
....now I know in the whole scheme of things that this is not a particularly profound moment...in the league of the prodigal son, a miraculous healing or appearance of an angel on Christmas day...but for me it was pretty special that the folks back home really did care...and that the unknown mail clerks and storekeepers and pilots had worked hard to make our ship a bit more cheery that day...before we returned to another 60 days at sea...before finally seeing land again...
...but I vowed then to not take Christmas for granted...and I have tried not to...and enjoy the family and friends that have been built up over the years...
...so I ask today that you appreciate those near you and give thanks for them...and to ask that you say a prayer for those in harms way...men and women we will never know but who sacrifice so we can have this time together...
...and my Christmas wish is that we appreciate one another...and pray and ask for peace in the world...life is not perfect but it is the only one we have.
Merry Christmas
here is the ship song that sent us on our way many a time...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvqB_go0ZIk
....It brought back many memories...too many actually...because I think that I have attended 16 funerals of family members since my high school years...including my brother, father, all of my uncles, cousins, and of course my grandparents...and those who know me and my past recall Bill and Dave as well...brothers in arms...and while I cannot call them I can recall them...still...and miss them...reflections...
...yet still I have hope...
...so this was in the era before the internet and email so Janet saddled up and rode up to the top of the hill to let me know...that is her above in the photo with the bowler hat and dark mustache...well actually what she did was call the camp near where we were staying at let the staff know who then walked to our cabin...as we had no phone...seriously...and so a guy shows up and knocks on the door and asks for me...and tells me I need to call my sister in law Janet...which I did...on a payphone down the hill...
...and so it turns out that everyone in my study group passed the first time!...in a year when only about 1/3 of first time takers did so...here we are at our bar swearing in ceremony... that's me with the dumb look on my face...
...so all these years later what do I think of it? Well, besides that they made a clerical error and they actually meant to notify some other guy with a similar name...and that any day I will receive a latter saying "Hey, just kidding! We just found your exam and it really stunk it up! Cut the shingle up on your wall--now!"...well, besides that I mean...here are some thoughts about getting through something as tough as the bar exam...
*Study with your friends. I am eternally grateful for HP, DE, RL and KG and their help.
*Reduce complex subjects down to their essence, then build up from there. If you don't know the basics of something all the rest is nonsense.
*Stay calm. Everyone else is as nervous and scared as you are.
*Study out loud. Read your notes out loud. When your ear hears your own voice without interruption it sticks in your brain.
*Get away for a bit. Several times in my life on huge projects I got away for several days by myself. It helped.
*Have a supportive family and friend group. I tell students this all the time about grad school---don't tackle it alone. Make sure your support team is behind you.
...so I guess that's just about all I am going to say about that!...for now its off to Turkey Day...and time with family...and may you have a wonderful and blessed day!
...and that is the purpose of the paper I am writing...and hope to finish soon...because as strange as it may sound...I think part of the answer to what is ailing our Universities generally...and the School of Business specifically...can be answered by listening to...can't believe it...hard to say...errrr...ummm....listening to...lawyers! ...Yes, I think that if the Schools of Bidnez can incorporate a few things from law schools that things would improve...
...and I am going to start with the suggestion that we can start wearing the really cool berber rugs that Her Majesty's advocates get to don...and the great napkin around their necks...far more prestigious than our simple black robes...well, just kidding...but there are some things we could learn and apply from other professional schools...
...so in the coming days I hope to finish the article and post a blog copy sometime in the near future...which I am sure will lead to its publication in Harvard Business Review...or Mad Magazine...one or the other is just fine with me! Have a wonderful day!
...what does one do in a locked in store? Well...start with turning on all of the stereos in the electronics department on the same radio station...I think it was K-FIG...the real rock station in Fresno in the 70's...getting a bicyle or two out for riding up and down the aisles while snacking on pork rinds or 5th Avenue candy bars...and I would do a little bit of work...stock a few shelves...sample a few beverages...eat a bit more...
...so I think we kind of have lost something with everything open 24 hours...not entirely sure what it is we have lost but perhaps it has something to do with the special nature of the holiday...time with family and friends...the town basically shut down...and I guess at times even after all of these years I am somewhat nostaglic for that era...and think that I too have pushed too hard and run the race too fast...I left for the US Navy from this job at Payless and never looked back...maybe I should have a bit more...
...so Payless is long gone...sucked up into the Rite-Aid leveraged buyouts of the 90's...and the old store and shopping center in Fresno is kind of unrecognizable...so this holiday season I would ask that maybe you not frequent the stores that are all open...perhaps with time stores will begin to close again on holidays...or if you do need to visit a store or restaurant on a holiday that you show a special bit of grace and consideration to the people who are working...
...because odds are they are not having nearly as much fun as I did when I work holidays all those years ago...
...boy were they good! Vive Le France!