Where's Waldo? Or Randy?

Bon dia from the long-lost blogger...who has fallen off the face of the earth for the past month...well, not really, but maybe just plain lazy when it comes to blogging...but he has returned with a greeting from Lisboa/Lisbon Portugal...ancestral home of my grandparents...well, at least on the Portuguese side since it would be rather difficult for the maternal Irish side to come from the home of linguica and vinho verde...not that Iwould really know what the latter is...
...but nonetheless I find myself overlooking the town of Loures about 10 minutes north of Lisbon this rainy Saturday...hanging with my dear friend Otto Ekk and enjoying their beautiful home with a great view of an old convent (now a museum) and a new shopping center and surrounding apartment buildings interspersed among ancient agricultural plots...having traveled here on Wednesday...well really Thursday by the time we arrived at 4pm Portugal time on Thursday with a moderate case of jet lag...this now being my fourth trip here in the past five years it is good to reconnect with old friends and to see what the churches and groups are up to these days...and to study and think about new models of community and ideas that are developing in Western Europe...
...yet the big big big news here is that Americans are back on the "A-List" of Europeans these days...all thanks to Mr. President Barack Obama...whom these folks just cannot seem to get enough of...
...This guy is some sort of crazy superhero-messiah-handsome-charming-Euro-magnificent-man...and I thought he was only a President!...Sheesh!!!...silly dumb American that I am...and all the way here and in the airports and on shirts and television and newspapers and billboards and...
well, you get the point...BARACK ROCKS!!!...and according to the German newspaper I spied MICHELLE ROCKS!!!...but not only that she is very very sexy...oolala!!!......but it is really fun to be back in the good graces of our European friends and brothers and sisters again...and I am comforted to know that he is the answer to all the world's problems now...and it does give me some insight to the view people hold of politicians sometimes...well at least politicians other than your own country's....and how much we really want our leaders to lead...and how people discern leadership and hope and change and more hope and more change and how we are really hopeful about hope and just hoping beyond hope that hopefully hope leaves us now hopeful and...well, you get the idea of what is up in Europe...
...so all we can say is that we need to hope for the best...

...but as for me and my view from Portugal...specifically above a picture of the lovely Tagus River flowing through my family's home town of Porto...and surrounding area...it is a short and sweet trip...and always good to come back...just wishing I had the language skills to converse although fortunately many people here speak English...but it does help me understand better why I am (and my family members as well) are the way we are...because really I was running out of explanations...yet there is a rhythm and poetry to Portugal that is at once confusing and reassuring...that some things really do never change and yet they are always changing...and a life of both sadness and joy wrapped up into one...that is hard to explain but wonderful to experience and consider...so I enjoy Portugal a great deal especially with so many nice people to share a coffee and pastry with...or whom open their homes for a meal with us...very nice...obrigado...

...Just when you think it is safe to go back in the water...comes the big ol' great white shark to tear your limbs off...time to put it all...or whatever is left of all...in a suitcase and bury it in the yard or stuff it under the bed...so I am about out of advice dispensing on this one...but what puzzles me is that while the numbers (you know--the numbers, whatever they are) look bad they don't seem to be nearly as bad as we all feel...and it just seems like all confidence is gone in buying, building or spending on anything...and it is global and not just back in the USA...especially for the Brits (GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 'CAUSE THE POUND SURE AIN'T GOING TO DO IT!)...so where does this leave us?
...for the moment I am just going to have to place my trust in God...and wait a few quarters...glad that I am not retiring soon...because if I did I would be practicing my little speech from the only two companies that are doing anything right these days...since we know that GE, Pfizer, Microsoft, Disney, and all the rest are just worthless anymore...so...hang on...let me clear my throat...mmmm....ahhhhhh...OK how does this sound?
...the problem for me is that them darn little paper hats...supposedly 'one size fits all'...just don't sit well on my huge head...so I need to find something else to do...