Well, put this one in the "I am so reassured" file...but I was making some coffee and there on the kitchen counter was a store bought pie crust...and smack dab in the middle of the plastic cover was an announcement that it had "REAL graham crackers!"...(emphasis not added by blogger)...and I thought we have really over-used slogans and phrases when we have to be assured that we are not eating fake graham crackers...and if such things exist I don't think I want to know what they are composed of...
All Natural, Fresh, Real, Organic and especially GREEN...need to take a time out from our world for a bit...I am so sick of seeing meaningless stickers and reminders and notes touting "green" that I really might start a recovery or protest group...businesses are creating entire departments of green...when it seems to me that much of what is posing as "green" is in the first place the common sense our grandparents had (don't waste food, consume less, re-use, grow your own, sew your clothers, can some fruit, find non-toxic substitutes like vinegar as a cleaner, etc.)...but it is starting to feel to me like Big Brother is watching me with this whole green thing...
One last thought from the grocery store...right next to the "clean up on aisle 7"...my lovely bride Ruth told me last night over dinner that she was at our local grocer and was looking at the tomatoes...and there was a produce man stocking fresh veggies...and so she mentioned that the focus was shifting away from tomatoes to jalapenos, cilantro and some other possible culprits in the salmonella contamination nationwide...funny thing is Mr. Green Grocer had not heard of such a change in the FDA focus...but he re-assured Ruth that "He was certain that their peppers were good because they would never sell anything with salmonella"...and once again I am most reassured...
...but do find it amazing coming from the production and wholesale side of food production how poor the chain of communication often is in companies...and we see here the damage that is done to products and companies once bad information is out and about...the proverbial "you can't put toothpaste back in the tube" kind of scenario...and once again the farmers and shippers take it in the shorts.....
....anyway, was I the only kid who got creeped out by the "Jolly Green Giant?"...he appeared on Sunday evening show's when I was a young pup...on the big RCA in the living room on Temperance Ave. in Clovis...a bowl of popcorn in front of me and my brothers as we waited for Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Disney to start...and I always stopped chewing for a minute to stare at this huge green dude standing over our food supply...in some idyllic valley...and I just wonder if he could be the source of the salmonella!
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