I have a complaint...about movies...and it has nothing to do with the price...but has anyone seen a good movie lately? I mean one that isn't preceded by 20 minutes of mind-poounding head-thumping music videos of car crashes in the previews? I don't recall when the last time was I saw a movie with an actual plot, dialogue and story--and no car crashes and explosions!
Now except for Heath Ledger...I felt that Batman Dark Night was really too loud...and impersonal for me...can anyone make a subtle point in a movie any more? Am I really going to be reduced to watching my DVD of Band of Brothers again and again? Some help here!
...and don't throw the indie movies at me as being the answer...because I just watched about 12 of them for the San Diego Film Festival...and while they throttle back on the car crashes and volume...three out of four of them are entirely too long...downright tedious....and while I kind of am enamored with "Punkin Chuckin" (seriously---hurling pumpkins up to a 1/2 mile through massive cannons, rubber bands and various doo-hickees)...do we really need 2 hours and 15 minutes of pumkin tossing?
So I am all ears here sports fans...I would love to have a recommendation of a good movie I can go to with friends and family!

Oh, it's just that time of year--everyone is just sick of summer blockbusters (though I've managed to avoid every single one of them this year, Dark Knight included). Don't worry, Oscar season is right around the corner with all the prestige dramas that entails...
The one I'm interested that's out right now is called Elegy, but I haven't seen it so I won't recommend it. But in the next few weeks we have the new Coen Bros. movie, Blindness, and Clint's new film is about a month away...
Thanks for the heads up on films. i thought I was going to have to undergo ear surgery after the next movie I see if it is as loud as RocketMan and Dark Knight---seriously! There needs to be a warning given before you walk in the theatre.
I will continue to relish my stack of "oldies but goodies" in the DVD's, watch Deadliest Catch re-runs and grade papers. Thanks! RMA
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