"If less is more then nothing is everything"
I have always liked the picture above...because it reminds me of the simple things of life...like just sitting down somewhere (alone is actually OK)...or with a friend...nothing much going on....not much of a "going concern" so to speak...but just being together...a nice thought for this Sunday morning...and of course the Latin thoroughly impresses the casual reader...

...so Thanksgiving has passed and the turkeys that survived have a few weeks to go before Christimas arrives...but ham is more of the desired carne of the holiday...and it was a nice break with a couple of the kibbies...and off to work tomorrow for the final push before the semester ends...
...so looking ahead I notice GM and the other "big three" automakers return to Congress this week...and make their case for getting on the dole...as if that would help their prospects...with a bad business model and impossible economic burdens of retirees...so let's see what prevails with a Democratic Congress and new Prez coming our way...but it could be an interesting stock market play...ahead of the hearings...hmmmmm....darn....should have bought some Citibank a week ago!...
...but with the loonies attacking in Mumbai this past week, watching that tragedy unfold just reinforces to me how wacked out people can be...what is the point of blowing up totally innocent people?...how does one make a point other than you have no legitimate cause or political position worth considering?...I just don't get it...even in desperation...very frustrating...and sad....
....but it certainly does point to the danger in the world today...which has probably always been there but just not beamed 24/7 on 500 channels...
...and I was reminded of something I hear from many passionate Dems that America is not respected in the world and that is why we needed to vote for Barak...but I have to tell you that if anyone cares to study history there has rarely been a time (a few but not the norm)...when America has been regarded in such a way by a majority of people in the world...and I experienced this first hand thirty years ago in my travels with the US Navy...protests...etc...so it just is not as simple as hanging it all on George Bush...people will still hate us, protest us, kill our citizens and friends...regardless of who is in the office at the time....
...But to each of you I hope you had a great holiday and send my holiday cheer!
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