...Try wrapping your mind around this one...according to today's New York Times...that darn conservative rag and domain of the vast right wing conspiracy...said this (and I quote)..."But the long term budget outlook, according to the (Congressional Budget) office, is persistent high deficits that will accumulate to drive the debt ever upward, to the point that it could nearly equal the value of the nation's entire economic output by 2020"....
...If someone had tried to tell me that in 10 years our entire output would be matched by our debt I would have told them they were insane...really...that is how bizarre that statement would seem to me...but bizarre has become reality...and the Dems are poised to be thrown out of office faster than any party in history...the only way that they could have topped the GOP's incompetence was to spend us into oblivion....and to do it so fast that everyone would pay attention...I mean for heaven's sake they could have at least pretended to be prudent...but nope, just about every lobbying group, union, association and politically deft Senator or Congressman has been greased so Obama can hand Nancy her health care plan...
...a figure I read the other day said that with the typical Money Market rates right now....that our savings in those funds will take over 1,000 years to double...does that concern you?....and so how does our economic leadership respond?...by chiding the Bank CEO's...and threatening them with huge taxes....so what happens?...the markets tank and everyone loses another five percent in 72 hours...yeah, real smooth move...a fifth grader could have seen that one coming...
...what is happening is that our political leadership...OK the Dems leading the way but only because it is their turn to drive the convertible...and the GOP's have been just as bad so don't light up on me that I am some parrot for the right...is working overtime to turn us into a yellow or red part of the map...that is the brutal reality...would you like another image to consider?...try this one...

...yepper...that be good old Nero and Rome...if you think I am kidding I would just say you don't read history...
....So what to do?...just read blogs about it?...well I would observe that our forefathers had a revolution for a lot less...and that maybe you are just fine with destroying 200 + years of a grand history...but for me I am going to start pushing harder for clearer thinking minds from any possible political persuasion...and not get hung up on single items or issues...who can lead and not be bribed and not be gladhandlers...and I think that there is going to be a major political upheavel in 2010...across the country...unprecedented...
So here is my crystal ball advice I will offer to anyone who cares...

...I would counsel....NO I WOULD URGE!...
1) that if you have a job don't even think about leaving it now...
2) don't have over 35% exposure to US equities in your investments....
3) don't trust mutual funds and their advisors...
4) don't think that inflation is right around the corner...deflation is...
5) assume home prices are not going up anytime soon...
6)pay off any debt now that has interest over 7%....
7)have at least 1 year and preferably 2 years of liquidity...
8)any new expenditures you may want only do if you can pay cash...
9) develop a financial plan from a risk analyst and not just a broker...
10) consider additional quality education...formal, executive or program...
and finally...

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