Where is Hank? Well kids, he is leaving town...and it is not just Henry it is his sister Henrietta...and they have been replaced by their European cousin...Henri...so honey, hide the silverware!...

...First coined a few years ago, Henry represents those individuals that worked hard, usually by starting a business or obtaining a professional certification (doctor, lawyer, etc.)...who it just turns out are the kind of people that create most of the good jobs in the good old US of A...Henry stood for High Earners Not Rich Yet...and formed the basis of most of the payments into our tax system...
...but now...due to Obamanomics...Henry is being replaced by Henri...or the High Earners Not Rich Indefinitely...who have seen their incomes dramatically reduced...and stand to get hosed by the tax code...at the worst possible time...populism prevails once again over reason...because heaven knows these mean awful rich people that build these businesses should now be punished...along with those tyrants who studied for years and amassed huge student loan debts...time to put those bad people in their place...

...Honey, has the mail come yet?...I am waiting for my check...wow, I love this country!...
...I have another new acronym...how about simply HE?...which stands for Hosed Entrepreneurs...now I know that many people are legitimately hurting...and these are tough times for our country...but there are way too many just hanging out...and we have created a system that penalizes those who work the hardest...think about it...and read the article at

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